Monday, September 22, 2008

Hey McCain, Shutup!

I realize an opening like that is not appropriate in this day of political correctness. And after all McCain is a "real American hero." But I have to agree with Mitchell Bard in his article, "It's Time for the "Deregulators" Like McCain to Step Aside and Shut Up" For some reason all of the people in Washington who are responsible for the economic "CF" keep talking like they think they can now dictate the terms of the solution. It's bad enough that we have to let Bush in, but there is no way congress should allow them to say what kind of "clean bill" they want. Congress needs to have the (I would say balls but that would be sexist) intestinal fortitude to pass a bill with oversight and tax payer protection and dare the shrub to veto it. Then the shrub and his twin can go sit out in Arizona or Texas and watch the sun go down and keep their damn mouths shut. Where does John McCain think he gets the credibility to demand "oversight" and "regulation" now after an entire career of fighting "oversight" and "regulation." So once again I say.
Hey McCain, Shutup!!


SunWolf said...

He's addlepated, I think...he seems to believe he can get away with the W method: if you say it often enough, even when the facts show otherwise, people will believe...
Never let facts get in the way...
Am I being naive in hoping the rest of the country will figures it out in time?

sepherim said...

It really scares me that Obama can't seem to move above the 50% support level. There are so many negatives about McCain that for some reason people just don't care about. I have friends that I always thought were intelligent who can't see through fog of misinformation being thrown out by the McCain campaign.